Avant-première "Eyes On Main Street"

Maison de la France, 5510 Munford rd,, 27612, Raleigh, United States
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Event language(s)
English and French

Price: Free

Not open

Registration is not yet open for this event.

The Alliance Française and FACCC bring you an advance-première of an extraordinary photography festival: Eyes On Main Street to be held in Wilson, North Carolina.NC from, April 27 to August 4, 2019. The Belgian photographer Jérôme de Perlinghi is the originator, artistic director and soul of this event.

Only 47 miles from Raleigh, the downtown of this small historic city is transformed into a giant art gallery during three months. Ultra-large enlargements of 100 photographers from 43 countries are on display on building façades. Presentations, photography workshops and photography exhibitions accent a program that animates this city throughout the summer.

Jérôme, who lives in Wilson, will explain (in English and French) how he first convinced the authorities in Wilson to organize the festival, how he developed financial support for the event, how he attracted photographers of international standing to exhibit at this festival and how Eyes on Main Street has played a role in the renaissance of this historical important economic hub in North Carolina.

Happy coincidence, the official poster of the 2019 festival reproduces a splendid photo of the beautiful French city of Bordeaux.

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